Wednesday 13 April 2016

New design...

Well hello again, wow, I have been away for a while because as you know it takes time to make a piece look good. So I have changed up a design from League of Legends again! Yes, typical, haha. I have used the Wacom Intuos Pro large graphics tablet and Adobe Illustrator. This is my first completed design using this software, so this piece may not be amazing, but to be honest I am pretty proud of myself to get this far, with only being self taught. I did draw these two characters on paper a while back and shall we say it still needed work on the whole shading part. But a learning curve makes me more determined to improved each time.

The design is a miss mash of Evelynn, the Widowmaker and Twisted Fate, the Card Master's Skins. Even though I didn't originally design both characters as they were designed by the ever talented Steve "Guinsoo" Feak; Who designs over 10 champion skins including Ashe, the forest archer, Shaco, the demon jester and Soraka, star child.

This is my interpretation and I liked the champions back story or as the LOL folk call it "Lore".
However these two were necessarily told to be a couple in their lore, they were written in the first issue of Journal of Justice as being a couple, subsequently Evelynn broke the coupling. And some of the quotes made by both champions are about each other.

Well, I hope you like my first design piece using the tablet and Ai. And I will see you in the next post...

L x

"Evelynn and Twisted Fate, A new collaboration on old times...."  

Friday 11 March 2016

League Of Legends: Poppy the Yordle without a hammer in this case...

So I have been using League of Legends as inspiration again! Ha ha ha. I decided to draw the champion I use the most which is the super cute but deadly Poppy. Yes, I own up I do dabble in playing LOL, whether I am good at it could be disputed by many. (I'm sorry guys)

So when I first drew Poppy, it was not great. I would say that I needed practice for the drawing. And to be honest I gave up trying to draw her, purely because I couldn't get the colours or shading right.

Here is the first picture....

So I have posted this because you can see an improvement when you see the next drawing I did of Poppy. 
This is the next drawing which I am pretty chuffed with.... 

Base pencil outline and adding colour with shading. 
More colouring and adding depth/ shade. 

Finishing touches like outing certain areas to make more prominent

Finished result... 

Scanned Version. Finished on the 07/03/16 
Another design I hope you like...



(please read disclaimer, thanks) 

Alice in Wonderland Inspired Playing Card

So after I did the previous design. I got asked to design a Alice in Wonderland playing card for a display. Now if anyone knows me well I love Alice in Wonderland. Too a point that I have a miniature book from Oxford. 

I got an email with an idea of what the card could look like. And a light bulb just went off and I knew exactly what it would look like. It took about two days to complete because I was overly enthusiastic to start designing it. 

I used a base outline and added my twist to it. Adding more interest and using bright colours. 

So here is the base outline....

Basic Outline 

Starting the colouring process with shading 

Same again. More shading. Incorporating colour. 

Outlining and Colouring in. 

Finished Design....

Finished design at night-time. 

Finished result. 

Hope you liked this design... 



(please check the disclaimer) 

League Of Legends: Twisted Fate: Inspired Tattoo Design

So a good friend of mine asked me if I could design him a tattoo, at first I was slightly nervous because I hadn't drawn something in a long time and the design was quite complex with shading and placement. 
He does gaming on a game called League of Legends which is a very popular online gaming platform. 
The character he liked and what he wanted the design based on was Twisted Fate's Cards with his quote. 
So we both spoke about what was wanted and how it would be laid out. I did 3 sketches, and finally finished about a week and a half later. This was really fun to design because it was way out of my usual drawing style. This was all hand drawn from start to finish by me. 
I love the end result. 

Here is the few drafts to plan how it will look....

So this is the first sketch for layout purposes. I started to draw this in the middle of February this year. 

This is the second draft with colour placement and shading placement. This was a couple of days after. 

This is the Final design....

Close up of cards, with shading, this is starting off. 

Cards finished and placement of lettering to be completed. 

Finished design. Night-time shot. As poor lighting. 

Final Scanned design. Finished on the 07/03/16 

I am very pleased with how it came out. Just want to thank my friend for believing that I could design this. 

Hope you liked this... 



(Please look at the disclaimer. Thank you.)